


  • 片名:重案组女警第五季免费在线观看
  • 状态:完结
  • 主演:苏兰·琼斯/莱斯利·夏普/皮帕·海伍德/陆思敬/托尼·穆尼/萨利·林奇/
  • 导演:亚历克斯·卡利姆诺伊斯/
  • 年份:2016
  • 地区:英国
  • 类型:美国/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2022年
  • 简介:"With DCI Gill Murray in retirement, ever-ambitious Rachel (Suranne Jones) returns from her Vice secondment fired up and full of new ideas and initiatives. She’s gained valuable experience and really wants to make her mark as she returns to Syndicate 9’s Murder Squad. Exhilarated to step up to the plate, Rachel is exactly who Janet (Lesley Sharp) and the Squad need to move forward with a terrifying and sinister Internet crime investigation of epic scale and unrelenting horror. Using her Vice authorisation, Rachel accesses a disturbing world where people brag about committing murder and lay down the gauntlet for the next victim. A game of ruthless life or death daring develops, as Scott & Bailey investigate multiple killers with horrifying and everlasting consequences. They will be changed forever and the investigation will take a devastating toll on their private, professional and personal lives." The drama will be executive produced by Nicola Shindler (Happy Valley, Last Tango in Halifax, Banana, Cucumber) founder of the Red Production Company and produced by Michaela Eccleston, Red’s Head of Production. Suranne Jones, who conceived the idea for the drama with fellow actress Sally Lindsay, will also executive produce alongside Nicola. Sally Lindsay also returns to the drama playing Rachel’s sister Alison. 5-1 Rachel steps up to acting DI on a case that becomes more sinister than it first appeared.
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"With DCI Gill Murray in retirement, ever-ambitious Rachel (Suranne Jones) returns from her Vice secondment fired up and full of new ideas and initiatives. She’s gained valuable experience and really wants to make her mark as she returns to Syndicate 9’s Murder Squad. Exhilarated to step up to the plate, Rachel is exactly who Janet (Lesley Sharp) and the Squad need to move forward with a terrifying and sinister Internet crime investigation of epic scale and unrelenting horror. Using her Vice authorisation, Rachel accesses a disturbing world where people brag about committing murder and lay down the gauntlet for the next victim. A game of ruthless life or death daring develops, as Scott & Bailey investigate multiple killers with horrifying and everlasting consequences. They will be changed forever and the investigation will take a devastating toll on their private, professional and personal lives." The drama will be executive produced by Nicola Shindler (Happy Valley, Last Tango in Halifax, Banana, Cucumber) founder of the Red Production Company and produced by Michaela Eccleston, Red’s Head of Production. Suranne Jones, who conceived the idea for the drama with fellow actress Sally Lindsay, will also executive produce alongside Nicola. Sally Lindsay also returns to the drama playing Rachel’s sister Alison. 5-1 Rachel steps up to acting DI on a case that becomes more sinister than it first appeared.


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